
we're always already way out in space--
the duration of our flight : Human History.

" We live at a critical moment in human history. The challenges of climate change, food, water and energy shortages as well as the increasing disparity between the developed and developing nations are testing our will to unite, while differences in religions, cultures, and politics continue to keep us apart. The creation of a "global village" through satellite TV and the Internet is still struggling to connect the world into one community. At this critical moment, our greatest need is for a global vision of planetary unity and purpose for humanity as a whole.

For more than four decades, astronauts from many cultures and backgrounds have been telling us that, from the perspective of Earth orbit and the Moon, they have gained such a vision. There is even a common term for this experience: "The Overview Effect", a phrase coined in the book of the same name by space philosopher and writer Frank White. It refers to the experience of seeing firsthand the reality of the Earth in space, which is immediately understood to be a tiny, fragile ball of life, hanging in the void, shielded and nourished by a paper-thin atmosphere. From space, the astronauts tell us, national boundaries vanish, the conflicts that divide us become less important and the need to create a planetary society with the united will to protect this "pale blue dot" becomes both obvious and imperative. Even more so, many of them tell us that from the Overview perspective, all of this seems imminently achievable, if only more people could have the experience !

Thus far, this unifying Overview Effect has been experienced by only a handful of space explorers, some 500 to date. Moreover, it has proven quite difficult for them to communicate more than just a portion of this potentially revolutionary experience to their listeners, despite their best efforts. Recent advances in cognitive science strongly suggest that these difficulties are directly related to the limitations of conventional media in communicating the rich and perspective altering experience of space. . . "

Space Exploration (2)

Space Exploration (1)

World Views (1)


 "Two Systems of Astronomy"
by Isaac Frost & George Baxter
(c. 01846) 

Isaac Frost was an artist, scientist, and prominent member of the Muggletonian sect in the mid 19th Century who was instrumental in the refinement of their astronomical theory, as represented on these prints which he designed. They were printed by George Baxter, a London printer who developed and patented an innovative method of printing using oil pigments. 

This fascinating work outlines the Muggletonians rejection of Newtonian physics. The Prophets had stated that as part of their divine revelation that heaven was only six miles above the earth and that the sun and the moon are not much bigger than they appear to our natural sight. The Muggletonians took a very literal view of biblical statements, especially statements from the Book of Enoch, and demanded that these statements (as interpreted by them) should take precedence over what was claimed to be scientific fact.

As opposed to the Christian view of a Holy Trinity, Muggletonians believed Christ the Son was in fact the true God, while the prophets Elijah and Moses watched over Heaven. In addition, they believed that God paid little attention to His creation, therefore rendering acts of faith and devotion such as prayer, worship, and martyrdom useless. Heaven was to be found on Earth, rather than in the afterlife, and Hell likewise existed within man.


The Continuum of Space

" Cosmic Zoom "
Eva Szasz
( 01968 )

“ A Rough Sketch “
Charles and Ray Eames

" Powers of Ten :
A Film Dealing with the Relative Size of Things in the Universe
and the Effect of Adding Another Zero "
Charles and Ray Eames

" Cosmic View 2 (?) "
( 02009 )


" Scale of the Universe 2 "
Cary and Michael Huang

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> > > Scale Of The Universe 2 (interactive) < < <

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> > > UniverScale (interactive) < < <

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> > > Khan Academy : Scale of the Universe < < <

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